Do More Feel Better

Do More, Feel Better (DMFB), is a research project testing the effectiveness of behavioral activation delivered by peer coaches versus clinicians funded by the National Institute of Mental health (R01 MH124966).  It is a collaborative project with Dr. Patrick Raue at University of Washington and Dr. Amber Gum at University of South Florida. This project, launched in 12/2020, is also based in senior centers throughout the city of New York. Currently, we are based in two senior centers as the project ramps up operations: Stanley Isaacs Senior Center and Edie Windsor SAGE Center. Throughout the 5-year duration of this project we plan to establish services in an additional 4 senior centers. We now offer this treatement in Spanish, please read more about Do More, Feel Better Spanish version here.

DMFB peer coaches

DMFB Heart Health Presentation

Stuytown presentation by Lindsay Victoria

Click here to explore more of our research

Weill Cornell Medicine Sirey Lab 425 East 61st Street, PH 1308 New York, NY 10065 Phone: 914-682-5453