NIMH R01 Grant Awarded to Sirey Lab

The Sirey Lab has been awarded a National Institute of Mental Health R01 grant (MH132757, PI: Sirey), titled “Tele-PROTECT Therapy: Effectiveness, Empowerment, and Implementation.” This randomized control trial will examine the effectiveness of the video-delivered PROTECT Intervention compared to a video-delivered depression education control condition. PROTECT is a behavioral intervention for depressed elder abuse victims designed to decrease depression by increasing engagement in pleasurable and rewarding activities, and by taking steps to reduce threat. The Sirey Lab will test the effectiveness of PROTECT in collaboration with the NYC Department for the Aging (DFTA) and five NYC elder abuse agencies, serving 140 community members over the course of five years.

Weill Cornell Medicine Sirey Lab 425 East 61st Street, PH 1308 New York, NY 10065 Phone: 914-682-5453